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اعلان متجاوب تلقائي

win 7 aio X64&X86_52in1_Jan_2019

بتحديثات يناير 2019 ويندوز 7  مدمج معها أوفيس 2016

نسخة ويندوزالسفن العملاقه التى تحتوى على 52 نسخة ويندوز مدمج معها برامج أوفيس 2016 بتحديثات يناير2019

win 7 aio X64 & X86_52in1_Jan.2019_Office 2016


اسطوانة أكثر من ممتازة و هامة جدا   ...

الإمكانيات والتفاصيل الخاصة بالويندوز

Windows 7 (Russian and English) in 13 editions (Russian and English) with IE 11, important and recommended updates until January 2019 (except for unwanted ones) and integrated system libraries +13 of the same editions with built-in MS Office 2016 Pro Plus VL x86 (you can choose whether to install Office. Tick ​​before installation.). Office language depends on the OS language selected .

Requirements for normal operation:
· 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor with a clock frequency of 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher;
· 1 gigabyte (GB) (for a 32-bit system) or 2 GB (for a 64-bit system) RAM (RAM);
· 16 gigabytes (GB) (for a 32-bit system) or 20 GB (for a 64-bit system) hard disk space;
DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver version 1.0 or higher.

 نسخ الويندوز الموجوده داخل التجميعه
List of editions included in the assembly: 

Windows 7 Starter x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Home Basic x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Home Basic x64 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Home Premium x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Professional x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Professional x64 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Professional VL x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Professional VL x64 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Enterprise x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 (64-bit)

Windows 7 Starter x86 + Office 2016 x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Home Basic x86 + Office 2016 x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Home Basic x64 + Office 2016 x86 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Home Premium x86 + Office 2016 x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 + Office 2016 x86 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Professional x86 + Office 2016 x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Professional x64 + Office 2016 x86 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Professional VL x86 + Office 2016 x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Professional VL x64 + Office 2016 x86 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 + Office 2016 x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 + Office 2016 x86 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Enterprise x86 + Office 2016 x86 (32-bit)
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 + Office 2016 x86 (64-bit)


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" رابط تحميل للإسطوانة كاملة  " تورنت " 

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* برنامج تحميل ملفات التورنت  * 
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